In threads that are marked as spoilers: no need to use spoiler tags, but keep the submitter's level of knowledge about the VN in mind. princess_maker_4_english_patch.zip - Unrar where the game is. News (April 16th, 2008) - Thanks to everyone who bought stuff from me! I've gone ahead and put the partial translation patch for Princess Maker 1 up for download here. A PlayStation Portable version of Princess Maker 4 was released in Japan on. An English release of Princess Maker 2 was attempted in mid-90s.

Need a new VN to read or are new to them? (4chan version ) Talk to us Can't get enough of? Come join our chat servers (lurkers welcome). Again, this is just my assumption, influenced by the fact that I hope this is the case, but Gainax is the only company involved with Princess Maker 4 that hasn't closed down, and they probably were the ones that owned the rights in the first place seing as it was their series and they comissioned these companies to help create PM4, so Princess Maker 4 is probably on the way, but we probably won't know until we get either an announcement right before release.(last updated on March 16th) This is a community for discussing visual novels. The developer, GeneX, that everyone keeps mentioning, I'm not sure what's going on with them, but they havne't put out a game since 2007, and they have no current webpage, you have to go to a web archiver to find the page that was updated in July 2011. Now this is just my assumption, but the publishing rights are listed to both the companies Gainax and CyberFront (now closed). As far as I know, this is still on track. In original Japanese articles on Famistu and for the relase of Princess Maker 2, they say that the intent was to havie a joint collaboration between Gainax and CFK for releasing all 5 games on Steam. I was hoping Princess Maker 4 would come out next, but Princess Maker 5 is probably a better choice, at is very large, and good, and has elements of both a modern setting with fantasy elements. But, PM4 may have been the most VNesque game out of the 5 but I still would have wanted to have a 'proper' english release for it so the fact that they can't get the rights really blows, if that's the reason.